Terms and Conditions

Code Creators Guild - Terms and Conditions

Guidelines for Website Development Freelancers and Clients

Welcome to Code Creators Guild! We're thrilled to have you join our community of talented website development freelancers and clients. Before you embark on your journey with us, it's essential to understand and adhere to our terms and conditions to ensure a smooth and productive experience for everyone involved.

1. Acceptance of Terms By using Code Creators Guild, you agree to comply with these terms and conditions. We reserve the right to update and modify these terms at any time, and it's your responsibility to stay informed about any changes.

2. Freelancer-Client Relationship Code Creators Guild serves as a platform to connect website development freelancers with clients. Freelancers are responsible for delivering high-quality work, while clients are responsible for clear project requirements and timely payments.

3. Payment and Fees Clients agree to pay freelancers for their services as agreed upon. Code Creators Guild may charge fees for using the platform, and these fees will be clearly communicated.

4. Dispute Resolution In the event of disputes, we encourage open communication between freelancers and clients. Code Creators Guild may mediate if necessary, but resolution is primarily the responsibility of the involved parties.

5. Communication and Professionalism Freelancers and clients are expected to maintain professional and respectful communication throughout their interactions on our platform.

6. Quality Assurance Freelancers are expected to provide high-quality website development services. Code Creators Guild may assess the quality of work and reserves the right to remove freelancers who consistently deliver subpar results.

7. Privacy and Data We take user privacy seriously. Users should familiarize themselves with our Privacy Policy, which outlines how we handle personal and project-related data.

8. Prohibited Activities Users must not engage in activities that violate our terms, including but not limited to fraud, plagiarism, harassment, or any illegal activities.

9. Termination Code Creators Guild reserves the right to terminate accounts that violate our terms and conditions without prior notice.

10. Intellectual Property Freelancers retain the rights to their work until the client's payment is complete. Clients receive full ownership rights once payment is made.

11. Liability Code Creators Guild is not liable for any disputes, losses, or damages arising from freelancers' or clients' interactions on the platform.

12. Governing Law These terms and conditions are governed by and interpreted under the laws.

13. Contact Us If you have any questions or concerns about these terms and conditions, please don't hesitate to contact us at info@codecreatorsguild.com.

By using Code Creators Guild, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions. We're excited to have you as part of our community, and we look forward to helping you connect, collaborate, and succeed in the field of website development.


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